series overview
Success, true love, and the life you’ve always wanted. Many of us place our faith in these things, believing they hold the key to happiness, but with a sneaking suspicion they might not deliver. But the truth is that we make lesser gods of these good things – gods that can’t give us what we really need. There is only one God who can wholly satisfy our cravings – and now is the perfect time to meet him again, or for the first time.
Based on the book Counterfeit Gods, written by New York Times bestselling author and pastor Tim Keller, this series explores the issue of idolatry throughout the Bible. It exposes our idols. It reveals how we fall victim to the subtle temptation to take something that is good in itself and elevate it above all other things in the search for security and meaning, stunting our spiritual growth and development. This series seeks to help us to identity our sins and turn from them!
Download your series study guide here:
“All You’ve Ever Wanted”
Genesis 22:1-12
“Love is Not All You Need”
Genesis 29:14-35
MAY 10 (Mother’s Day)
“Money Changes Everything”
Luke 19:1-10
MAY 17
“The Seduction of Success”
2 Kings 5:1-16
MAY 24
“The Power and the Glory”
Daniel 2-4
MAY 31 (Pentecost)
JUNE 7 (Trinity Sunday)
“The Hidden Idols in Our Lives”
Jonah 3-4:1
“The End of Counterfeit Gods”
Genesis 32:24-31
JUNE 21 (Father’s Day)
“Replacing Counterfeit Gods”
Colossians 3:1-11