The Salvation Army continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation in our area. The health, safety and well-being of our staff, volunteers, church members and the community remain our highest priority.
On this page, you will find the most up-to-date information on impacts to Salvation Army programs and services. We will continue to monitor the situation and update this page with new information, as it becomes available and as quickly as possible.
To stay up-to-date on changes to Salvation Army programs and services as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, please check this page frequently.
For current COVID-19 information from Wellington Dufferin Guelph Public Health, click here.
UPDATE AS OF 3/21/2022
As we continue to follow the Government’s lead in our reopening planning, we would like you to be aware of new COVID-19 gathering requirements, effective Monday, March 21, 2022.
Masks and Social Distancing are now voluntary in most situations, including Sunday Worship, Sunday School, Small Groups, Music Groups, Youth Groups, Church Office, etc. While wearing of masks is not mandatory, we STRONGLY encourage people to wear masks when walking through the building, when in the sanctuary, and when there are larger numbers of people gathered.
Mandatory Vaccination Policy: The Salvation Army has rescinded the territorial COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy, effective April 4, 2022. Participants in activities and programs taking place in Salvation Army Corps, CFS and Corps-based Thrift Store locations are not required to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Contact Management and Isolation: Effective immediately, the Government of Ontario Guidance for contact management and isolation has been amended to significantly narrow the range of circumstances in which isolation is required. For information on what to do if you’ve been exposed, please click here.
Passive Screening: You are encouraged to take the self-assessment here before you attend any activities. If you are not feeling well, have a temperature, or any other symptoms, please do not attend activities. We encourage you to join us online instead.
In-Person Worship & Other Activities: The maximum capacity of worship, program and social spaces are now returned to pre-COVID levels. We will continue to comply with provincial regulations for use of these spaces.
Singing without masks is now permitted.
Coffee/tea and meals are permitted.
Offerings and other church activities may return to pre-COVID normality.
For bands, worship teams, and singing groups, masks and impermeable barriers (i.e. bell covers and plexiglass) are no longer required.
Pre-registration for church activities will no longer be required.
Community & Family Services (210 Victoria Rd. S.): Masks will continue be required at our CFS location until further notice. This location has limited space for gathering, and the wellbeing of our staff, volunteers and those we serve has been considered in this decision. This decision does not affect service delivery, as all those requiring assistance will be continue to be served.
Thank you for your continued patience and grace as we have been journeying through this process of reopening.
If you have questions about this latest update, please contact the church at 519-836-9360, or email us at
(NOTE: These guidelines will be in place effective March 21, 2022, barring any changes to provincial directives.)