As part of a new approach to discipleship, this series explores different ways that Jesus initiated vibrant, crucial conversations with everyday people as he fulfilled his mission of connecting those he met with God the Father. You’ll study how He did it to help you engage in honest, open, crucial conversations without awkwardness. Using Dan Grider’s book “Crucial Conversations: Bridging the Awkward Spiritual Gap,” you’ll also develop practical tools to bridge the awkward chasm and initiate conversations crucial to helping people take an initial step of faith.

This series includes a blend of theory (rethinking traditional church paradigms and ideas of “evangelism”) and practical help (through the use of simple illustrations, tips and ‘crucial questions’) which leads to deeper dialogue with people God has placed in your life. If you’ve ever struggled with how to get beyond superficial chitchat without turning the conversation into a sermon, then this series is for you.

It’s our prayer that God will use these new skills you master to transform the relationships in your life…and the world around you.

go deeper

Interested in going deeper in your discipleship journey? Check out these resources that Majors Lee-Ann and Peter are using to help shape our current sermon series:

Starfish Movement: Unleashing the Unstoppable Vision of Jesus by Dan Grider

Crucial Conversations: Bridging the Awkward Spiritual Gap by Dan Grider

Both titles are available from

Week 1

October 4, 2020

The Great Commission | Matthew 28:16-20

Week 1 Crucial Questions

Week 2

October 11, 2020

The Story of a hardened man | Luke 19:2-9

Week 2 Crucial Questions

Week 3

October 18, 2020

Week 4

October 25, 2020

The Story of Nicodemus | John 3:3-18

Week 4 Crucial Questions

Conception-Birth Icon

Week 5

November 1, 2020

The Story of a SAMARITAN CYNIC | John 4:4-15; 19-23

Week 5 Crucial Questions

223 Questions Jesus Asked

Week 6

November 8, 2020

The Story of a man by a pool | john 5:1-12

Week 6 Crucial Questions

Week 7

November 15, 2020

The Story of Jesus’ first disciple | john 1:6-13

Week 7 Crucial Questions