In the absence of meeting as a corporate body and sharing in fellowship together we wanted to provide a liturgy for a meal following the worship service (whether you are eating with a small gathering of people or by yourself). We hope it will be an echo of thanksgiving for Jesus’ fellowship throughout the gospels and a foretaste of future meals with each other and finally in the Kingdom of Heaven.
liturgy for a shared meal
liturgy for a meal eaten alone
(Fun fact: the fourth Sunday of Lent is historically referred to as Laetare [lā•tär•ā] Sunday. It is the Sunday just following the midpoint of the season. Laetare comes from the Latin imperative “to rejoice”. A similar mid-point is celebrated on Gaudete [gou•dā•tā] Sunday—the third Sunday in Advent when we typically light the pink candle in the Advent wreath).