At no cost to the recipient, we are blessed with volunteer church members, who love to prepare and deliver dinner meals using their personal resources and time, to help our church family who are recovering from medical issues, personal crisis, or loss, or have newborn infants. “…For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in….The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:35,40 NIV).

Who we serve: Because of the size of our church family and it's many needs and adding in our limited resources of our volunteers, we reserve all meal requests for attenders or members of Guelph Citadel. We serve families/individuals whose needs are not already being met through their involvement in a Small Group, family, or friends.

When do meals start: Meal Requests should receive a 48-72-hour notice before starting that first meal on a meal schedule.

How long does a meal schedule last: Meals Schedules usually last 1-2 weeks. If more service time is needed, we can assess the situation at the end of the meal schedule, and EXTEND the meal schedule.

How to ask for help: Evaluate the involvement of help from your small group, family and friends before contacting us. If you are asking for help on behalf of someone within our church, please get their permission first before you contact us. Meal requests are made through email:

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SERVE IN THE MEALS MINISTRY: If you are a person who loves to prepare meals for others, we would love to contact you to let you know how you can get started. Please use the email above and let us know you’re interested in serving and our Meals Ministry coordinator will contact you.