Discipleship at Guelph Citadel

At Guelph Citadel, discipleship is not just something we do, it’s who we are. We believe that when Jesus invited us into the amazing challenge to “go and make disciples,” He meant it.

When we say “discipleship” what we mean is the process of becoming more like Christ and teaching others to do the same.

We use a simple shape and three words to help us model the life of Jesus. Our strategy for discipleship starts with the UP/IN/OUT triangle. This is a lens we use through which to view our lives and church, and something we actively strive to live out. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see His life lived out in three relationships, UP with His Father, IN with His chosen followers, and OUT with the world around Him. Here is how we as a church define UP/IN/OUT.

UP – Communion with the Father.

As Jesus followers we start here, a place where identity is formed, and you learn to know God for yourself. To nurture our relationship with God, we need to have a have a practice of hearing from God through His Word, the Bible, and we need to respond in worship and prayer, stillness, sabbath, and other spiritual disciplines.

IN – Community with fellow believers.

Jesus invites us to not live life alone but to have those with whom we ‘do life together.’ This is where you grow and are shaped by community. This life-on-life growth is where discipling takes place. Specifically, these are relationships where you are authentic, open, and honest – where there are a few who know us really well, so that we can be real with each other. Having a community to which we belong is vital, as is finding a way in which our particular gifts and skills can contribute to the service of the family of the church.

OUT – Living out the Great Commission.

Jesus never lost sight of His Father’s vision, to reach out to a lost world. That is the same vision God has for us: to reach OUT and love those around us into a relationship with him. We do this by having a missional zeal in all we do! Often this can be serving others, meeting needs, praying for those around you, knowing your neighbors, loving the poor, teaching, feeding, healing and comforting. We hope we are then prepared to share what we know of His love and forgiveness, and can invite others to know Him for themselves.

Most of us are quite good at the church thing. And yet, disciples are the only thing Jesus cares about, and it’s the only number Jesus is counting.
— Mike Breen (Building a Discipling Culture)

Building a Discipling Culture

To help us model the life of Jesus in all aspects of our personal and corporate life as a church, our leadership team has developed a Strategic Ministry Plan that is shaped by the UP/IN/OUT discipleship triangle. We believe that health and growth are possible only as we nurture a discipling culture in our church. Effective discipleship builds the church, not the other way around. We need to understand that the church is the effect of discipleship and not the cause.

The Strategic Ministry Plan you see here shapes our church life and ministry as we integrate the UP/IN/OUT lens into our decision making, ministry planning, and evaluation.

While there is a significant corporate aspect to our strategic ministry plan, we are hopeful that you will take advantage of resources and opportunities for personal spiritual growth as you seek to think with the mind of Christ, love with the heart of Christ and serve with the hands of Christ.

For personal reflection, please feel free to download the UP/IN/OUT Questions below. They can be used in your personal devotions or with a group of friends that you’ve chosen to journey with.


We are grateful to our Mission Board for giving guidance to the development of this plan. As well, each of our ministry leadership teams has contributed objectives and goals that will position us for growth as we integrate this plan over the next few years. The ministry teams involved in developing our strategic plan include:

  • Mission Board

  • Program Committee

  • Youth & Children’s Ministries Committee

  • Discipleship Team

  • Shepherding Committee

  • Community & Family Services Team

  • Business Administration Committee