Windows on Easter
“Windows on Easter” provides a fresh perspective on the Easter story looking through the “windows” of some of the people who were there, helping us to see what they saw and feel what they felt—that we might be able to learn what they learned.
March 28 | Window of Tears – Palm Sunday | Luke 19:28-40
Perhaps there are no greater windows of the soul than our tears. So much is distilled in our tears, not the least of which is wisdom in living life. If you follow your tears, you will find your heart. If you find your heart, you will find what is dear to God. And if you find what is dear to God, you will find the answer to how you should live your life.
April 1 | Messiah in the Passover | Interactive (Online)
In this interactive program, you will learn more about the origins of Pesach (Passover), how Jesus used its symbols during His Last Supper to teach about His coming sacrifice and atonement, and what Passover means for Christians today.
During the program, you are invited to participate in your own home by tasting the ceremonial Passover foods at the appropriate times.
April 2 | Window of Sorrow – Good Friday
The old spiritual asks the haunting question of the events surrounding the suffering and victory of Christ: “Were you there?” Today we will contemplate the death and resurrection of Jesus through the different perspectives of eyewitnesses. Some will be more familiar and others less familiar—but each will have something to say to us.
April 4 | Window of Hope – Resurrection Sunday | Luke 24:1-12
With the exception of John, it was not the disciples at the foot of Christ’s cross. It was the women. It was not the disciples attending to the burial of the Master, it was Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea—with the women there the entire time. It was not the disciples who, out of passion and desire to have a final time of ministry and service to the crucified Lord, made their way to the tomb that first resurrection day. It was the women.
They displayed a level of strength that the other followers of Christ did not. Seeing the events through the window of the perspective of their hearts will illuminate the Saviour in a way that no spotlight ever could. Their strength opens a window that allows us to see things we might have otherwise missed.