Join our amazing team of youth ministry volunteers.

See below for current ministry opportunities and connect with us via the form below.


Care Bear

The Care Bear is a ‘big brother/sister’ of sorts, responsible for making a positive difference in an infant’s/toddler’s life through offering encouragement and support to the child and their parents. This often takes the form of prayer, gifts on special occasion, and overall support to that family and their needs.


Sunday School

The Children’s Teacher is the shepherd of the class and is responsible to keep watch over the students and oversee or coordinate all class leaders and functions. The teacher is expected to teach, reach and minister to members and prospects, creating a safe space to learn and grow with the help of other leaders within the class. Helpers in class too support these goals and support teachers where possible.


Messy Church

As a volunteer at Messy Church you will work closely with children and adults on the various learning activities during the Messy Church worship service, or support in the kitchen, with crafts or in the gym.  The purpose of this ministry is to is to help families, children and adults, to worship God and grow as followers of Jesus.


Youth Group Leader

The Youth Group Leader is responsible for providing supervision, creating safe space, and assisting the Children & Youth Director or designate as needed during activities and events that promote fun, fellowship, spiritual development and ministry involvement among preteens and teens.


Sports, Board Games, Mental Health College/Career Team Member

Team Members are responsible for assisting the Children & Youth Director or designate as needed during activities that create safe space and promote fun, fellowship, community and wellness among young adults.