In the Fall of 2020, as we were facing the possibility of regathering as a church, an innovative idea was being contemplated that would have us engage in intentional relationship-building throughout our community. Be the Church Sunday was introduced as just such an idea. The jist of the initiative was that our church congregation would not meet on the 4th Sunday of the month in order to create space for us to be the church in our neighbourhoods.
Well, friends, we’re now gathering again as a church, and we don’t want to miss the amazing opportunity we have to engage our community as a church that is willing to adjust/change/adapt to be a transformational influence in our world.
To help you better understand the meaning and method of Be the Church Sunday we’ve created two documents below that lay out the idea, answer some frequently asked questions, and provide something of a ‘cheat sheet’ to get you started and perhaps spark some creative energy around how you might choose to be the church in your neighbourhood.
Unless otherwise communicated every 4th Sunday is Be the Church Sunday. Start praying now and brainstorming ways that you can be the church in your neighbourhood. Pretty soon we’ll find that church is happening all over the city – right where you are!
If you have any questions or just want to bounce ideas of someone, don’t hesitate to reach out to Major Peter or Major Lee-Ann.
Now, let’s go be the church!